The Basic Criteria for a Personal Injury Case


When involved in an accident claim, one of the first things you have to consider is whether you can make a potential personal injury claim against the responsible party.

There are basic criteria to look into to help you determine whether you do have a potential claim. As your trusted law firm in Columbia, Maryland at The Mercy Law Firm LLC, we are listing down factors to consider:

  • The accident occurred as a result of someone else’s negligence
  • You need to have someone to be held liable. You must be able to prove that the harm that came to you happened solely as a result of the negligence displayed by the responsible party.
  • The accident resulted in severe injuries, property damage, and lost wages
  • It is not enough to have an accident happen; you also need to ensure that the injury was sustained from an accident that was due to someone else’s negligence to file for a claim.
  • The physical and emotional injuries sustained can be remedied financially
  • You must prove that the negligence of the other party has caused you and your family physical, mental, and financial harm. If proven, you stand to be compensated through damages – that is, a sum of money that is awarded to an injured person for his or her injuries and other losses.

Satisfying these grounds is only the first step. Be sure to work with reputable legal counsel to know if you do have a case.

You may also have to hire a separate lawyer, such as a family lawyer in Maryland, depending on the complexities of your case.

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