What to Do After Being Involved in a Hit & Run Accident

What to Do After Being Involved in a Hit & Run Accident

Hit-and-run vehicular accidents happen when the driver of a vehicle hits a cyclist, pedestrian, or another motorist, and then subsequently absconds without taking responsibility for their actions nor offering the injured parties any insurance information. According to a 2018 statewide summary posted by the Maryland Department of Transportation, the state recorded 114,848 car accidents in the year 2017 alone, resulting in 51,82 injuries and 557 fatalities. Hence, it is no wonder that many people end up requiring legal counsel for their personal injury case.

As an established law firm in Columbia, Maryland, we are, therefore, sharing a few important information on what you must do if you have been involved in a car accident in the state of Maryland.

First and foremost, the law requires that drivers, as well as the other involved parties, stop on their tracks and remain at the scene of the accident. Also, the drivers must render aid to the injured (even if their injuries are minor), or at the very least, provide relevant incidental and insurance information to the involved parties. This is especially true if the accident leads to property damage or to harm, injury, or the death of another person. Otherwise, they may face severe penalties (e.g., fines, potential jail time) if they are later identified.

If you or someone important to you find yourselves the victims of a car accident, and the person at fault refuses to compensate for the damage caused, contact The Mercy Law Firm LLC right away so we can discuss your case. We also provide the services of a family lawyer in Maryland, so call us.

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